
The UK’s leading Fulfilment Coach

Supporting sensitive, overwhelmed and ambitious women to understand and overcome their hidden money, career and relationship limitations so they can finally live a life of deep joy and fulfilment using a unique blend of mindset mastery and spiritual shifts.


who is Polly?

Podcast host and multi-passionate mummy to two feisty young girls, who loves nothing more than walking in the hills with her cocker spaniel by her side around her home in the Peak District, UK.


You know those stories where someone hits rock bottom...

and then realises where they’ve been going wrong all their life and then goes on to start their soul-aligned business and make multi-six figures in their first year of operating, while telling everyone to just do what I do and you’ll be juuust fine!

Well, I never want my story to be one of those!

Allow me to tell it my way.

Flash back to 2015. I thought I had it all.

*trigger warning, baby loss*

I called it ‘Follow Your Sunshine’.

I didn’t realise it back then, but at the time, following my sunshine was all about seeking external experiences to fill a void inside of me…one which was telling me that I wasn’t enough. I was filling this void with people and things that offered me the validation that I couldn’t give myself and which made me feel worth something, helping to drown out the constant noise of my inner critic.

I was living the aspirational “dream” in the Middle East with my new husband by my side. Shortly after we got married, I fell pregnant and gave birth to our first child. I was pursuing a successful career in communications, leading a luxury lifestyle while writing a popular blog to chart our culinary escapades and overseas adventures.

This miscarriage led to a cancer diagnosis, and suddenly I came face to face with my own mortality for the first time; having to keep myself upright for my daughter while battling various operations and difficult, invasive treatments.

Meanwhile, my marriage was on the fast-track to breakdown, friendships that I thought were solid suddenly evaporated and I was left feeling lost, abandoned and alone. By October 2018, I didn’t even know who I was any more.

Everything that I had clung so tightly onto, in order to give me a sense of belonging had been taken from me. My health. My income. My career. My family. Even my home.

I was suddenly and abruptly made redundant from my job.

A matter of months later, I miscarried my second child which sent my whole world spiralling.

But the traumatic series of events were far from over yet…

If only I knew that all of these things were about to be taken from me…

Fast forward to 2017.

From my rock bottom, there was nowhere else to go but up and nothing else to do but set about building some solid foundations to ensure my world was never rocked in the same way again. 

Foundations, not built on what others could give to me (there’s nothing solid about those!), but on what I valued more than anything. Foundations built on my own inner fulfilment.

At the same time, I vowed that I would never allow another woman who entered my sphere to struggle in the way that I had. I took a life coaching qualification, became ICF and NLP certified, and I was ready. 

My mission had begun – to support in excess of 1000 women to reach fulfilment in life, love and calling before 2030.

Allowing myself to focus on my soul’s purpose, to reconnect with my true vision, and then doing the mindset work to shift through blocks (AT LIGHTNING SPEED) allowed me to quantum leap in my mindset and life.

I opened myself up to new love, met my soulmate and got engaged. I had another child, bought my dream home in my dream location and settled in a community with supportive friends around me that lit me up inside. 

And all the while I was building a business that was escalating to breath-taking heights and doing life changing work which didn’t feel like work…

Since then, I have gone on to empower hundreds of women from all over the world to transform their lives and meet their full potential – in the most authentic way for them, and in a way which feels expansive, safe and just bloody amazing.

Both myself and my clients now live a life of passion, purpose, freedom and fulfilment and it just keeps on getting better from here!

I’m not telling you all of this to show off, or gloat about how I got myself out of difficult times…

I want to show to you that if it’s possible for me then it’s most certainly possible for you too!

What came next was nothing short of miraculous.

I have my doubting days, my triggered days, my days when I want to jack it all in and go back to the 9-5 because it might feel easier (luckily I’ve never got too close to actually going through with these crazy ideas!).

But I have learned that combining mindset, energetics and spirituality is my secret sauce.

And I’ve learned that when I apply this formula with clients, some magical things happen…

I don’t pretend that I have it all worked out all of the time.

They rapidly go from striving to thriving.
From aspiring to acquiring.
From dreaming to living the actual dream.

So, are you ready to do the damn thing and start living your dream life today?

To learn more about how my fulfilment coaching can do this for YOU, schedule a FREE 30 minute clarity call with me below:


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Would you like to hire me for your corporate event or for ongoing support in your business?

Let’s raise the vibes on your podcast by talking all things fulfilment, harnessing your potential, and more. Hit me up to speak about podcast collaboration opportunities!

I have worked closely with a number of high profile organisations, including the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; Warner Music Group and Acacium Group, as an in-house coach, running away days and supporting women’s networks.

Contact me today to find out what I can do for your organisation

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